“Gorgeous, intimate, sensory, open, nurturing, spacious, generous, satisfying”

Art Safari participant > Culture Collective residential 2023

Culture Collective held a residential at Comrie Croft in Perthshire during March for a diverse mix of freelancers, coordinators, funders and others, from across its 26 partner organisations.

Co-designed as a space to reflect upon practice & pedagogy whilst breaking-bread. It also provided a space to deliver workshops... for each other.

As part of this event Art Safari delivered a session which focussed on in-dwelling, mark-making, collage and more…

Creative freelancing:

“A key intention of Culture Collective funding was to support those building their careers in the creative sector, with a minimum of 50% of Culture Collective funding restricted to be spent directly on artist fees. Furthermore, the Culture Collective network is prioritising support for training, networking, access and development opportunities for creative freelancers at all stages of their careers, building our ethos of creating a programme that exemplifies “how we want things to be”.


‘Culture Collective is a network of 26 participatory arts projects, shaped by local communities alongside artists and creative organisations. Funded by Scottish Government emergency COVID-19 funds through Creative Scotland, these projects will take place across Scotland from March 2021-October 2023.

From Shetland to Inverclyde, Aberdeen to Hawick, each unique project is designed and driven by the community in which it is rooted, playing an important part in shaping the future cultural life of Scotland. Some projects will work to creatively engage with older community members; some will provide opportunities for young women and non-binary people to find their voices; and some will address disconnection, loneliness and mental health in post-lockdown world.

For the projects themselves, the Culture Collective provides a network: opportunities to share resources, learning and experiences. For the sector as a whole, the Culture Collective shines a light on the crucial importance of participatory arts projects for artists, for communities and for the future.’
