Def: Safeguard

  • to protect something from harm

  • to protect children or adults who could be hurt emotionally or physically

Adult and Child Safeguarding Statement

  • The purpose of the following information is to ensure the protection of children and vulnerable adults who connect with Arts Safari and take part in our activities, events, workshops or exhibitions. 

  • We intend to ensure that all participants who take part in our activities can do so in a safe and enjoyable manner. 

  • Everyone is responsible for safeguarding and Arts Safari expect all workshops leaders and carers to take on the responsibility of fostering a developmental and safe space for creativity regarding good safeguarding practices and behaviours. 


Name of project:

Art Safari

At Art Safari we are committed to creating spaces that:

Ensure participants are respected, listened to and valued

  • That the environments we create are supportive, friendly and encouraging

  • Give positive and emboldening, constructive feedback rather than negative criticism

  • That spaces are safe and open (avoiding private or unobserved situations and closed doors)

  • Maintain safe and appropriate distances

  • That volunteers, leaders and assistants behave with the highest possible standards of care

  • We support and create anti-bullying environments

  • Covid-compliant as per the latest guidelines

  • We review our safeguarding procedures in-line will governmental guidelines regarding best practice

  • We will seek parental permission on behalf of all young people taking part in our activities

Nature of service and principles to safeguard children and vulnerable adults (brief outline of what out service is, what we do and who we serve):

  • Art Safari takes place across a variety of indoor and outdoor settings. The number of staff needed to deliver each session varies depending upon the nature, location and requirements of the attendees. We monitor current legislative guidelines regarding safe working ratios in terms of adult-to-child/carer-to-vulnerable person  

  • Art Safari is an arts activity programme that covers classroom, village/town hall and charitable settings as a base for ‘workshop’ activities alongside ‘sketch-crawl’ and outdoor drawing/making/creating opportunities.  

What we do:

We develop and run socially engaged projects that are open to any age of participant but are tailored to needs/commission/location. The baseline for our activities involves significant public participation across all modes of engagement (in real-life, virtual, postal, exhibition-based).

Our services roll-out across the following formats:

  • One-off, pre-booked, drop-in and pop-up

  • Short-term educational strands within primary, secondary and tertiary educational settings as well as long-form participatory projects.

  • Exhibitions aimed at the general public

  • Outdoor installations aimed at the general public

Level of contact with children, families and vulnerable groups:

  • One-off, pre-booked, drop-in and pop-up sessions lead by an Artist in an activity room or public space

  • Exhibitions; minimal contact as part of guided school engagement or in attendance with workshop members

Client group:

  • Vary in age from early years (0 years upwards) to adults

  • The level of ability varies

  • We provide no individual care needs as this is not within the workshops capabilities. All/any individual care needs have to be provided by a parent/guardian or recognised carer.

  • The dynamics of a group changes depending on the activities being explored but when working with an artist, facilitator, writer, musician etc the participants either work collaboratively on a project or develop individual pieces during a tutor-lead session, or series of sessions.

  • Sometimes we work towards an end exhibition (physical/virtual)

  • The groups of young people and adults may come from very different backgrounds and some or all may have additional needs. Some young people may be supported by a carer or named adult in terms of ‘extra’ family support services. Where adults and young people have additional needs that require support we will always work with their carers within the workshop settings.

Safeguarding pre-requisites for workshop leaders:

  • Public Liability Insurance

  • Portable CRB (England)

  • DBS (Scotland)

  • PVG cert




The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) seeks to protect and enhance the rights of data subjects.  These rights cover the safeguarding of personal data, protection against the unlawful processing of personal data and the unrestricted movement of personal data within the EU. 

The following Privacy Notice provides clear information on how we collect your personal data, the types of data we collect, how we use your data, how we store your data, our legal obligations and your rights.

How we collect your personal data:

The data we collect is provided to us by you because you have done one of the following:

  • Completed an enquiry form either digitally or in-person

  • Provided your information in an email to us or a letter

  • Provided information by telephone

  • Told us in person

The types of data we collect:

The personal information we collect is used to make your booking with us or to answer an enquiry about our services.  This can include any or all of the following:

  • The full name(s) and address(es) of the person(s) making the booking/enquiry

  • The email address of the person(s) making the booking / enquiry

  • The telephone numbers of the person(s) making the booking / enquiry

How we use your data:

The personal information you provide to us will only be used in conjunction with the services we provide to you and in a way that you have provided permission.

  • We will use your data to process your booking and confirm workshop/exhibition/activity registration details.

  • Respond to any questions or comments via letter, email or telephone call.

  • Provide additional information that may be useful to you or is requested.

How we store your data:

We take all reasonable technical and organisational precautions to store your information in a secure manner and to prevent its loss or misuse.

  • Your data is stored on a secured computer drive on a designated computer, which is password protected and accessed only by Art Safari personnel

  • Any written correspondence or records, including the registration form, is kept in a secure location and can only be accessed by authorised personnel at Art Safari

  • These records are only kept for as long as is reasonable and when destroyed are done do using a security grade shredder. 

Disclosures of Your Personal Data                                                           

We will not disclose any personal data we hold to any third parties, unless with your express and documented permission. We may however disclose your personal data to third parties where it is required by law and evidence of this will be retained. 

Your rights:

You may request that we provide you with any personal information we hold about you.       

Request for Deletion of Personal Data                                                   

You also have the right to request that we delete and destroy your personal data.

Third Party Websites 

Our website may contain links to other external websites including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr.  We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of third party websites and as such, you should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Updating information                                                                           

Please let us know if the personal information which we hold about you needs to be corrected or updated